1. Protect the carpet's fibers
If you have a synthetic carpet, it is probable that it is made of stain-resistant chemicals as polymers (nylon, polyester, olefin). These ensure the carpet's ability to repel substances which usually stain it, so it is essential to make sure that the cleaner is suitable to preserve this feature. Therefore you can:
Choose an anionic cleaner which will clean your carpet while preserving the carpet's fibers features.
If you use water for your carpet cleaning, the same result can be achieved by mixing the water with vinegar which will lower the water's pH and protect the fibers so that the stain-resistant molecules won't be drawn out during the cleaning.
Make sure to use water at a rather low temperature and avoid excessive quantity of water to prevent fibers distress.
Remember that wool carpets too, even though they're made of a natural material, are stain-resistant and therefore need to be treated in the same way as synthetic carpets.
2. Create the ideal conditions
To maintain your carpet undamaged and keep the color bright, it is important to provide the most suitable climatic conditions. However, each kind of carpet needs a peculiar treatment. Here are some key tips to keep your carpet healthy:
Avoid exposing your carpet to sunlight. Every carpet is likely to be damaged by a long-term exposure. In Nylon and Polyester carpets, colors tend to fade faster under the direct sunlight. It is more difficult to happen in acrylic carpets, but they need too to be protected.
Carpets are usually made of materials enable them to absorb the heat. It is therefore important to not expose carpets to very high temperatures which will loosen the carpet's fibers and for synthetic carpets it will mean to lose their stain-resistance.
3. Do a proper regular cleaning
A basic step to keep your carpet clean is to vacuum it. A regular and efficient vacuuming should be done to both sweep away the dirt and soil from your carpet and to keep it more resistant to more specific cleaning treatment such as stain removal, especially if you usually apply chemical cleaners or if you choose to do a steam cleaning. Two easy steps will be sufficient to achieve an effective cleaning:
Vacuum your carpet regularly and according to the conditions to which the carpet is subjected. Carpets should be generally vacuumed once a week, but if positioned in a high traffic area a daily vacuuming will be necessary.
Sprinkling a mixture of baking soda and vinegar before vacuuming the carpet will enhance the cleaning and help to neutralize odors.
Avoid dirt to get into the carpet. The most efficient solution is to sweep frequently the floor but first of all it is important to use doormats in order to stop dirt from coming into your house.
4. Be gentle
Many specific carpet cleaners are industrial, chemical products which are not easy to remove from the carpet once applied on it and can be harmful for your and your family health. Anyway, a range of stains, including greasy ones, can be easily removed using natural ingredients and home-made cleaners. Here are some examples:
For coffee, red wine and also tea stains you can successfully apply a mixture of vinegar and hot water on the stain both directly or by a sponge damped in the mixture and then blot gently. Sparkling baking soda is also good to remove these stains along with oil stains.
It might happen that the stain on your carpet is greasy. In this case, you can replace a chemical cleaner with baking soda and dish soap. You might sprinkle baking soda on the stain and either vacuum the carpet after several minutes or scraping the stain with a small portion of dish soap before vacuuming.
Innovate Carpet provides effective carpet cleaning solutions in all London.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dani_V
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